Digital inclusion is about ensuring the benefits of the internet and digital technologies are available to everyone.

Digitally excluded people can lack skills, confidence and motivation, along with having limited or no access to equipment and connectivity. This can create additional layers of social exclusion and exacerbate social and economic problems. Getting online is usually life-enhancing and it can be life-changing!

If you can’t use a computer, if you don’t have access for whatever reason, you’ve become a non-person in society”

Margaret, Sidcup

Data on digital exclusion in the UK

It’s estimated that 7.8% of UK adults have either never used the internet, or last used it over 3 months ago. That’s 4.2 million people (Office for National Statistics, 2020).

Digital inclusion isn’t only about whether people can access the internet: it’s also about their ability to use it. 21% of UK adults, or 11m people, do not have the Essential Digital Skills needed for day-to-day life. (Lloyds Consumer Digital Index 2021)

For more statistics, see the Digital Inclusion Dashboard.

The vital importance of partnership

The best way to help digitally excluded people is to provide one to one support with trusted digital champions. People need a “hook”, something that interests them, like a hobby or specific need to get started on their digital journey.

The larger issue that holds back digital inclusion is the resourcing of this support. In an era of cuts and squeezed budgets, how can sufficient resources be found to tackle such a complex issue? The answer is through partnership and collaboration.

Partnership is an essential foundation for digital inclusion strategies. No organisation can solve this issue alone. A successful digital inclusion strategy and action plan will be based on:

  • Knowing what current partners are already doing and what they have to offer
  • Understanding the needs of individual partners
  • Finding a way to work together to resource provision and plug any gaps.

Citizens Online has developed and grown many local digital inclusion partnerships. Often working with partners such as; Local Authorities, Housing Associations, Job Centre Plus, national and regional health organisations, LEPs, businesses, and third sector organisations. Read more about our previous projects.

Help with digital inclusion projects