
Accessibility is at the heart of what we do at Citizens Online. We are in the business of removing the barriers to the digital world for everyone. This site is designed with accessibility for all as a guiding principle. This means:

  • Our website runs on WordPress, one of the most accessible-by-default website systems
  • We chose a theme (Aaron) that was stated to be “accessibility-ready” and responsive
  • The the structure of the site and how users can navigate it easily, has been carefully considered
  • Information on each page is structured and labelled
  • We aim to use language and design that is clear and cognitively accessible, while being appropriate to our intended audiences
  • We have followed common readability guidelines in our writing
  • Colour combinations are checked for visibility and contrast ratios
  • We aim to adhere to standards and best practice for technical accessibility. For example; alternative text for illustrative images and charts, meaningful link text, keyboard-accessible navigation, and logical page structures
  • All parts of site should be as fully accessible to mobile device browsers and computers with smaller screens as they are to those with larger screens
  • The site text is displayed, and site navigation functional when using a text-only browser, or when JavaScript is turned off

Our accessibility statement is that:

  1. Our website should not present barriers to access or use for anyone visiting the site. This includes whether using assistive technologies, a device with a less common screen size, or via slower connections
  2. We will respond to all feedback about the accessibility of our website. When issues are identified we will try to put things right as soon as possible.

If you have any feedback relating to the accessibility of this website, please email us at . Or use the form on the contact us page to get in touch.