Bob attends an online dementia support group

Man sat using tablet

Bob lives in Brighton with his wife Pat, he has recently been diagnosed with dementia and the couple are both finding it difficult adjusting to this diagnosis. An occupational therapist told Bob about an online support group he could attend to help to manage his condition. Bob had an old iPad that a family member had given him as they no longer needed it, but it needed updating to access the group and neither him or Pat knew how to do this.

The occupational therapist contacted Digital Brighton & Hove for support. We arranged for a Digital Champion to help by; updating the software on the ipad, setting up an email address, adding short cuts on the home screen to the support group and services. They also added links to Youtube videos of things that Bob is interested in such as flights of vintage aeroplanes and a step by step visual guide to connecting to the support group. The Digital Champion spend some time with Bob and Pat to make sure they were comfortable and confident to navigate the iPad.

This help meant that Bob was able to join the support group online. When Bob was being supported indoors by the online dementia support group, Pat felt able to go out during this time. Meaning she could have a quick break from caring to meet friends for a coffee and attend an adult learning class.