Digital Inclusion at Worthing Medical Centre

Woman providing digital skills support

Worthing Medical Group is a member of the West Sussex Digital Inclusion, Access and Safety Partnership. The surgery is located in a low-income area and provides services to many patients facing homelessness, mental health challenges, and long-term health conditions. Niamh is a digital ambassador for the group of medical centres. She promotes the benefits of using digital tools and the NHS App to patients. Niamh supports patients with the basic digital skills needed to become safe and confident to use technology. Niamh is acutely aware of the barriers that digital exclusion inflicts on many patients registered at the GP practices. Patients who do not have access to a digital device or data have risen sharply because of the rising cost of living. 

Niamh has been referring patients to the West Sussex Digital Inclusion, Access and Safety Partnership which can provide free recycled devices and data packages for West Sussex residents. Proving devices has made a transformative, inspiring difference to patients’ lives, including boosting their digital health access. Shelter residents reported using devices for mental health support through music therapy, navigating to appointments, and staying connected with Worthing Medical Group.  

Patient Stories

One patient, recently unemployed, used the device to successfully job search and found employment within weeks, expressing their gratitude for the program’s impact. Another student received a laptop, enabling them to continue their studies seamlessly. 

Overall, the feedback has been overwhelmingly positive. Patients expressed deep appreciation for the program, highlighting its positive impact on their lives. It’s clear that bridging the digital divide can significantly empower individuals experiencing diverse challenges. This has led to improved health outcomes and increased self-sufficiency. 

The West Sussex Digital Inclusion, Access and Safety Partnership

If you’d like to become a digital champion like Niamh, please contact If you know of someone who needs digital support or devices in West Sussex, you can search the signposting map.